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AI-Powered Redaction

AI-Powered Redaction: Protect Your Docs, and Media, Too

So far, our discussions about the AI legal revolution have revolved around the many ways artificial intelligence (AI) is helping to combat the unstructured data crisis looming over the legal industry. However, one area we’ve yet to address is what to do about all the personally identifying information (PII) that’s often contained within unstructured media...

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AI Transcription Translation

AI Transcription & Translation: The Audio-to-Text Superpowers of AI Legal Software

From prison phone calls and body-camera footage to voicemails and video depositions, modern technologies have introduced a new type of evidence to legal professionals: unstructured data. Specifically, unstructured media data, such as photos, videos, CCTV footage, zoom calls, and more. Unfortunately, as the popularity of these new technologies has grown, so have the problems associated...

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Unstructured Legal Data

Unstructured Legal Data and the AI Lifeboat Solution

The world is drowning in data. Music data. Photo data. Video data. Spreadsheet, flow chart, email, and website data. These days, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, there’s someone nearby creating data—even if it’s just CCTV footage or the satellites orbiting our planet. Even you are creating data right now as you...

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AI Ediscovery

AI E-discovery: Solving Doc Review’s Problem Child

In an earlier post, we discussed some of the hurdles of document review. While browsing, the savvy reader may have noticed a pattern: document review has a problem child. We’re talking, of course, about e-discovery. E-discovery is the area of document review that deals exclusively with electronic information. It’s also one of the biggest sources...

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AI Legal Revolution

The Guide to AI and the Legal Revolution

The past two centuries have seen some of the most dramatic technological leaps in the history of humankind. Steam engines that connect continents. Personalized vehicles. The typewriter. Metal birds that can fly. Not to mention tiny boxes that can send and receive messages across the globe in less time than a blink. Legal professionals have...

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Police One

How RIPA Changes in 2024 Will Affect Law Enforcement Agencies

On June 27, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom and California legislators approved and enacted the state’s budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024, totaling $310.8 billion. Within this budget, a sum of approximately $141.4 million has been designated to cover mandated costs for county and local public agencies, with $50.5 million specifically allocated for the Racial and...

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How Colorado Law Enforcement Agencies Can Address Requirements in SB20-217 (Part 1)

Summary: SB20-217 is a Colorado law requiring several things from law enforcement agencies in the state. Some of these things include body-worn cameras (BWC) on specific classifications of law enforcement officers and releasing this footage to the public.   Colorado law enforcement agencies need new tools to scale their redaction @practice to effectively redact audio-video files...

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