Veritone Discovery gives you the ability to quickly search a broadcast for spoken words, faces, logos, objects, sentiments, and more, in near-real time. Discovery reduces manual tasks through automated watchlists for events, highlights, mentions, clients, and more, with curated content sent straight to your inbox.
Uncover more content, especially underutilized media in your archive with automated metadata tagging.
Powered by our Enterprise AI platform, quickly search and view time-correlated playback of media by spoken words, objects, faces, logo, sentiments, and more, all in near real-time.
With hundreds of AI engines across multiple cognitive capabilities, select and run the AI engines of your choice to produce the metadata you need to help find the information you’d like to catalog.
With powerful data visualizations and in-depth reporting options, Discovery’s Analytics Suite delivers actionable insights and allows for advanced customization. A highly intuitive user interface makes it easy to generate custom dashboards and reports specific to your needs.
Automate your search watchlist for events, highlights, campaigns, clients, and competitors. You can even receive curated content alerts to ensure important content is never missed.