Modern Slavery Statement

THIS ANTI-MODERN SLAVERY TRANSPARENCY STATEMENT (this “Statement”) sets out the steps that Veritone, Inc. (“Veritone,” “we,” “us” or “our”) has taken in the last financial year to combat slavery and human trafficking (“Modern Slavery”) throughout our business and our supply chains.

This Statement is effective as of May 17, 2024 and applies in respect of our financial year ending December 31, 2023.


Veritone designs human-centered AI solutions. We serve customers in the talent acquisition, media, entertainment and public sector industries. Our software and services empower individuals at many of the world’s largest and most recognizable brands to run more efficiently, accelerate decision making and increase profitability. Our leading enterprise AI platform, aiWARE™, orchestrates an ever-growing ecosystem of machine learning models that transforms data sources into actionable intelligence. Guided by a commitment to responsible AI use, we blend human expertise with AI technology to advance human potential and help organizations achieve more than ever before.

For further information on our AI solutions and services, please visit


The ultimate parent of the Veritone group of companies is Veritone, Inc., a Delaware corporation, which has its principal business address at 5291 California Avenue, Suite 350, Irvine, CA 92617.

This Statement is issued on behalf of Veritone, Inc. and each of its affiliates which have been judged to meet the criteria for the UK Modern Slavery Act ‘transparency requirement’ for the UK Modern Slavery Act, the Australia Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), namely:

  • Veritone UK Ltd., a limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with company number 10993647;
  • Broadbean Technology Limited, a limited company organized under the laws of England and Wales with company number 04283360; and
  • Broadbean Technology Pty Ltd., a limited company incorporated under the laws of Australia with a company number 833550726.

(collectively, the “Covered Affiliates”). For the avoidance of doubt, references to “Veritone”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this Statement are to Veritone, Inc., and each of the Covered Affiliates.

We presently have more than 650 employees worldwide across our entire group of companies and we operate mainly in the United States, the United Kingdom, other parts of Europe, Israel, Australia and India, with our global headquarters being located in the United States.


Typically, our major suppliers fall into one of the broad categories outlined below:

  • third party software developers we engage to work for us;
  • third-party marketing services providers assisting in promotional activities and campaigns, including advertising, public relations and digital marketing initiatives;
  • hosting services providers who host our solutions and data and our customer’s data processed in our AI computing solutions and services;
  • office equipment suppliers;
  • providers of professional services; and
  • third party licensors of software, data or technology that we resell with, or embed or incorporate into, our own AI solutions and services.


We provide AI solutions and services. Accordingly, as part of our core business, we do not “manufacture” our solutions in the traditional meaning of that word (i.e., through the use of workers using materials and machines in factories), nor do we engage anyone in our supply chains to perform any such “manufacturing” on our behalf.

On this basis and having taken the time to consider the nature of our operations and our supply chains, we currently consider the Modern Slavery risk they present to be relatively low.


Despite our assessment that the Modern Slavery risk presented by our operations and supply chains is low, we are committed in our absolute opposition to Modern Slavery, and we have committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.


Due to the low risk of Modern Slavery being present in our supply chains, we have not established active systems to perform diligence or audits on our suppliers to mitigate that risk at this time. We intend to review the risk level of Modern Slavery in our operations and supply chains annually and will take further steps to address Modern Slavery risks as and if we deem them necessary.


During the coming financial year, we plan to:

  • Continue to take steps where necessary or appropriate to ensure our operations and supply chains remain Modern Slavery-free; and
  • Monitor and review our assessment of the Modern Slavery risks our operations and supply chains present.


This Statement has been prepared and published on behalf of Veritone, Inc. and each of the Covered Affiliates, pursuant to section 54(1) of the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 in respect of the financial year ending December 31, 2023.

This Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Veritone, on behalf of itself and the Covered Affiliates.


By: Ryan Steelberg

President and CEO

Effective as of May 17, 2024