
Optimizing Audio & Video-based FOIA Request Workflows for Federal Civilian Agencies


  • The challenges of audio and video-based FOIA request workflows and workloads for federal civilian agencies
  • How Veritone Redact can help improve this workflow

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) stands as a cornerstone of government transparency, enabling citizens to access public records and information. However, the management of FOIA requests poses substantial challenges for federal civilian agencies. 

The mounting volume of requests, resource-intensive manual processes, and the imperative of safeguarding sensitive data in audio and video files all contribute to the complexity of this workflow. In this blog, we’ll delve into these challenges and introduce an AI-powered solution that offers promise in streamlining FOIA request workflows.

The Challenges of FOIA Request Management

In recent years, the number of FOIA requests directed toward federal civilian agencies has surged significantly, straining resources and creating substantial backlogs. Statistics reveal a steady rise in FOIA requests, leading to an accumulation of unresolved cases. 

Manual redaction, a key element of the FOIA request process, often proves labor-intensive and prone to errors. When manually redacting a video file, a technician must redact any necessary imagery in every single frame—with this process, a 10-minute video could take hours or even days to complete. Not only is it time-consuming and costly, but it also presents potential issues for the employees performing the redaction. What’s more, the files could be susceptible to human error.

The timely and accurate handling of these requests becomes crucial, as delays and errors can compromise the principles of government transparency and accountability.

Introducing Veritone Redact

Veritone offers a potential remedy to the challenges faced by federal civilian agencies in the form of Veritone Redact. This innovative AI-powered tool is designed to automate redaction processes, offering a comprehensive solution to the resource and time-intensive nature of manual redaction.

With its advanced AI algorithms, Veritone Redact provides accurate and consistent redaction across audio and video files. Notably, its automated identification and removal of sensitive information, including personally identifiable information (PII), help agencies avoid inadvertent privacy breaches.

Veritone Redact boasts an array of features that contribute to its efficiency and effectiveness. Unlike other solutions that use facial recognition, Veritone Redact utilizes head detection, which can detect and redact heads that are front-facing, profile, or in a reflection. The tool also offers customizable redaction presets and rule-based workflows, enabling agencies to tailor the redaction process to their specific needs, and—unlike other redaction providers—Veritone Redact can redact audio transcriptions. 

By offering the auto-detection of heads, license plates, notepads, laptops, mobile data terminals (MDTs) along with audio-based PII or other important key words and phrases, Veritone Redact offers FOIA officers one comprehensive place to take care of their redaction needs, rather than needing multiple tools to redact one file.

What’s more, Veritone Redact seamlessly integrates with existing FOIA request management systems, ensuring a smooth transition for agencies looking to optimize their workflows. It’s important to note that Veritone Redact is FedRamp certified, underscoring its adherence to stringent security standards.

Benefits for Federal Civilian Agencies

The integration of Veritone Redact into FOIA request workflows offers several tangible benefits for federal civilian agencies. 

Save time and resources

Time and resource savings are notable advantages, as the tool significantly reduces the labor-intensive process of manual redaction. Statistics indicate that some agencies that have adopted Veritone Redact have experienced over a 50% reduction in redaction time.

Increase accuracy

Enhanced accuracy is another key benefit. The AI-driven nature of Veritone Redact minimizes the risk of oversight and human errors in the redaction process. Veritone’s AI engines provide the user with enhanced accuracy, alleviating the burden on the user, and mitigating the risk of accidentally overlooking something that needs to be redacted, which would put the individual’s privacy at risk. This is particularly critical when dealing with sensitive information, as errors can have far-reaching consequences. 

Enhance consistency

The tool also ensures consistency in redaction, maintaining uniformity across audio and video files and reducing discrepancies.

Prioritize scalability

Scalability is a paramount consideration for federal agencies dealing with a high volume of requests. Veritone Redact’s ability to efficiently handle large volumes of files ensures that agencies can meet demand without compromising accuracy or timelines. 

Maintain compliance

Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is also facilitated by Veritone Redact, as it helps agencies adhere to information protection mandates.

Looking Ahead: Future of FOIA Request Management

The evolution of AI-driven technologies holds promising potential for the future of FOIA request management. As technology continues to advance, tools like Veritone Redact will undergo further enhancements. These enhancements could encompass even greater accuracy in redaction, expanded capabilities for handling various data formats, and improved integration with existing agency systems.

Adaptation and improvement are essential in meeting the changing landscape of FOIA requests. The dynamic nature of the digital world necessitates continuous innovation to ensure that agencies can effectively manage the evolving demands of transparency and information access.

Closing Thoughts

Veritone Redact emerges as a game-changing solution for federal civilian agencies grappling with the challenges of FOIA request management. 

By automating and streamlining redaction processes, the tool not only improves efficiency and accuracy but also upholds the principles of government transparency. As FOIA request volumes continue to rise, agencies must seek innovative ways to optimize their workflows, and Veritone Redact stands as a beacon of hope in this endeavor. 

The benefits it offers, from time and resource savings to enhanced accuracy and compliance, position it as a vital tool in the arsenal of federal agencies striving to meet the demands of a transparent and accountable government.

To learn more about Veritone Redact, reach out to a Veritone team member today.