Veritone Employer

Your All-in-one
Recruiting Solution

Find top-notch candidates efficiently and effectively, and change the way you engage, source, and hire. Your employer recruiting solution is here.

PandoLogic, a Veritone company, offers AI-driven recruiting technology designed to help you hire more effectively and efficiently than ever before—thanks to proprietary cutting-edge technology. Find your ideal candidates and meet your hiring goals with AI.

Employer recruiting challenges

There’s no secret that there have long been challenges employers face when it comes to recruiting (and recruiting well), including:

  • Limited economic resources to put behind talent acquisition—particularly if you’re not seeing the ROI you want from past recruitment strategies
  • Limited workforce resources that would allow you to hire your own talent acquisition specialists; this absence often results in HR professionals or members outside the HR team wearing multiple hats in order to help with hiring
  • Pressure to meet recruitment KPIs such as cost-per-hire, time-to-hire, and quality of hire
  • Filling short-term needs while also considering long-term goals for the business—no easy feat when time is usually of the essence to fill open roles
  • Managing a fast-paced and competitive job marketplace, filled with other employers searching for their own perfect hires

And employers are not just facing old challenges. There’s been an increase in new challenges brought on by the side-effects of a rapidly changing workplace, including rising prices on LinkedIn and a decreasing number of candidates as many people have left the workforce.

What does all this add up to? Effectively recruiting for employers is more difficult than ever before. Finding the right employer recruiting solution is, unfortunately, no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity.

The PandoLogic platform’s employer solution

When we say all-in-one recruiting solution, we mean it. PandoLogic is a robust platform with features and capabilities that help you take the guesswork out of common recruitment challenges, like those listed above. From where to post your job advertisement, to how much spend to put behind it, to how you might adjust future campaign strategies—we have the answers to your recruiting questions.

PandoLogic’s employer solution can help:

  • Target and engage the right candidates
  • Build a pipeline for open and future roles
  • Streamline and optimize job advertising
  • Improve diversity sourcing
  • Maximize ROI across important metrics
  • Improve flexibility and free employee time previously spent on menial tasks
  • Increase retention by helping you hire the right candidates

Ready to join the recruitment revolution?

With our programmatic recruitment technology, we’ve got you covered with an employer solution that helps you every step of the way.