
The Top 10 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Public Transportation


In this blog, we cover:

  • Ten ways applications for artificial intelligence in public transportation
  • How AI can make mass transit safer, more efficient, and more accessible
  • FAQs regarding AI and public transportation

The Impact of AI on Public Transportation

The global adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we live and work, with technology playing a growing role in several industries. From detecting fraud in financial services to enhancing customer experiences in retail, AI has become an essential component of modern business operations. One of the sectors where AI is making a significant impact is public transportation.

Public transportation, the lifeblood of our large cities and urban areas, is becoming ever more reliant on AI to improve efficiency, safety, and privacy. According to a recent report, the global AI in transportation market size was valued at USD 2.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach around USD 14.79 billion by 2030. This article will explore ten ways AI is used to revolutionize public transportation:

1. Optimizing Schedule and Route Planning

One of the most practical applications of AI in public transport is optimizing schedule and route planning. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can predict the demand for specific routes, allowing transit agencies to adjust schedules and resources accordingly. In turn, this improves the customer experience by providing more accurate and timely information about arrival times, better managing congestion, and alleviating overcrowding.

2. AI-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Vehicles and Infrastructure

The efficient management of a fleet and infrastructure is crucial for a well-functioning public transportation system. AI-powered solutions can help prevent vehicle breakdowns and detect potential issues in infrastructure before they become critical. Identifying and addressing these problems in advance not only lowers maintenance costs but also minimizes service disruptions, ensuring a more reliable and efficient public transportation system.

3. Increasing Safety by Identifying Suspects and Resolving Cases Faster

Public safety is paramount, and AI can be used to identify suspects and resolve cases more quickly. Veritone IDentify, an AI-powered solution, uses facial recognition technology to compare video and photographic evidence with known faces and speakers. This helps law enforcement agencies speed up investigations and enhance safety in public spaces, playing an essential role in creating a safer future for all.

4. Increasing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Emissions

AI can also be harnessed to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions in public transportation. AI-enabled route optimization can minimize fuel consumption and decrease travel times by evaluating traffic patterns and predicting congestion. As electric vehicles become more widespread, AI-driven energy management will become increasingly critical in ensuring the efficient use of energy resources, helping to reduce the overall carbon footprint of public transportation systems.

5. Streamlining Fare Collection and Fraud Detection With AI

Fare evasion not only results in lost revenue for public transportation authorities but also undermines the fairness of the system. AI-powered algorithms can efficiently manage fare collection, identifying potential fraud and irregularities. By streamlining fare collection and preventing revenue losses, AI-enabled solutions optimize mass transit authorities’ resources and contribute to a more equitable public transportation system.

6. Enhancing Accessibility for All Passengers

AI-driven solutions can significantly improve the accessibility of public transportation for passengers with disabilities. By implementing AI-powered technologies such as voice recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing, transit agencies can more effectively communicate with passengers and improve wayfinding in transit stations. These enhancements grant all passengers, regardless of their physical abilities, better access to mass transportation and a more inclusive environment.

7. Maximizing Fleet Utilization and Capacity

A vital aspect of managing public transportation systems is ensuring optimal vehicle usage and capacity. AI-based demand forecasting offers transit agencies insights into anticipated passenger demand, which can help them make data-driven decisions about fleet utilization. These insights enable better distribution of resources and lead to a more efficient transportation system, reducing operational costs and improving customer experiences.

8. Improving Privacy With AI-Powered Redaction

As surveillance becomes increasingly prevalent in public spaces, maintaining privacy while ensuring security is a delicate balance. AI-driven redaction solutions, like Veritone Redact, automatically redact sensitive information from audio, video, and image-based evidence, preserving privacy without sacrificing safety. This technology detects and blurs out objects such as faces and bodies in recorded footage, enabling law enforcement agencies to protect the privacy of victims, witnesses, or innocent bystanders.

9. Utilizing AI for Emergency Response and Disaster Management

During emergencies and disasters, coordination between public transportation systems and emergency services is vital. AI can help streamline communications and response times during these critical incidents. For example, AI-powered analytics can process large volumes of real-time data to provide accurate and timely information to emergency responders, assisting in the rapid assessment of situations and supporting rescue and evacuation efforts. Integrating AI into emergency response and disaster management ensures that public transportation systems can better serve their communities when they need it most.

10. Improving License Plate Reader Technology

License plate reader technology has revolutionized law enforcement and surveillance capabilities by enabling systems that can automatically detect, capture, and analyze license plate information in real time. AI-driven license plate readers offer several advantages, such as increased accuracy and efficiency in scanning large volumes of vehicles, even in challenging conditions, allowing for the rapid identification of vehicles that are stolen, wanted, or of interest.

Final Thoughts on The Future of AI in Public Transportation

As we’ve explored in this article, AI-powered solutions are already contributing significantly to improving public transportation efficiency, safety, and privacy. As innovation in this field progresses, new applications and benefits of AI will undoubtedly emerge, further revolutionizing the public transportation landscape.

Companies with expertise in AI solutions like Veritone are helping pave the way for the future of public transportation. Ultimately, the continued integration of AI into public transportation systems promises to create smarter, safer, and more efficient cities that are better equipped to meet the needs of their diverse populations, benefiting everyone who relies on these essential services.

To learn more about Veritone’s AI-powered tools for improving public safety, reach out to a team member today.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is AI used in public transportation?

AI is used in several ways to improve public transportation:

  • It can be used for optimizing schedules and route planning by predicting demand for specific routes based on historical data. 
  • Predictive maintenance uses AI to identify potential issues in vehicles and infrastructure before they become serious. 
  • It can increase safety by identifying suspects more quickly, reducing emissions by optimizing routes for fuel efficiency, and streamlining fare collection to detect fraud.
  • AI-powered technologies improve accessibility for passengers with disabilities and maximize fleet utilization through demand forecasting. 
  • AI is also used for emergency response and disaster management by processing large volumes of real-time data to provide accurate and timely information.

2. What is the future of AI in public transportation?

The future of AI in public transportation is expected to be revolutionary. As AI technology continues to progress, its applications in public transportation will only increase, paving the way for even greater efficiency, safety, and accessibility. 

Enterprises like Veritone are leading this innovation with their AI solutions. AI integration into public transportation promises smarter, safer, and more efficient cities that can better cater to the needs of diverse populations. 

Future advancements in AI may involve autonomous vehicles (aka self-driving vehicles), even more advanced predictive analytics, and AI interfaces for enhanced passenger experiences.

3. What role does AI play in privacy and security within public transportation systems?

AI-driven solutions, such as Veritone Redact, automatically redact sensitive information from audio, video, and image-based evidence, maintaining privacy while ensuring security. This technology detects and blurs out sensitive objects in recorded footage, allowing law enforcement agencies to protect the privacy of victims, witnesses, or innocent bystanders.


Precedence Research: Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Market