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How Avoiding Using “AI” Can Promote Acceptance

Elon Musk warns that artificial intelligence (AI) could lead to robot death squads prowling the streets. Nearly three-quarters of Americans fret that AI could take away jobs. More than half of U.S. citizens are more concerned about AI’s impact on employment than they are about immigration or offshoring. So why then do 79 percent of...

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Artificial Intelligence Takes on Doping

Artificial intelligence (AI) may become the best weapon against AI-enhancing drugs, with word that the World Anti-Doping Agency is planning to use AI pattern-recognition technology to detect signs of violations among athletes. WADA will use AI algorithms to search the repositories of data gathered by global anti-doping bodies, according to a report from iNews. The...

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Startup takes market research to the next level with AI

Market research firms use a range of techniques to gauge consumer views—such as survey forms and phone interviews. However, such methods often present an incomplete and inaccurate picture, with consumer responses reflecting their views of just one moment in time—or indicating their aspirations rather than the realities of their views and habits. However, one startup...

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Baby Face: Using Face Detection for Baby Photos

Today’s parents seem to use their smartphone cameras to photograph every second of their babies’ lives. However, once these pictures are taken, they often are forgotten—stored away on cell phones in a format that’s disorganized and difficult to access and enjoy. However, one startup thinks it has found a way to bring these photos back...

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School Shooting AI

Holistic Artificial Intelligence Can Solve the Plague of School Shootings

Another school shooting. Another round of demands for answers. Another debate over the same set of options—from gun control to arming teachers, to improving the mental healthcare system. The End Result: Still More School Shootings. However, a real solution to this crisis may be within reach due to the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies...

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Oil Industry Tapping into AI for Energy Production

NVIDIA’s artificial intelligence technology (AI) is starting to make inroads into the oil and gas business, with the company’s graphics processing units (GPUs) now being used to boost productivity and reduce the costs of finding, extracting, processing and transporting fossil fuels. In 2018, NIVIDA has announced two partnerships that involve using GPUs and related technologies...

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