This is a sequel to the post I wrote over a year ago about some basic concepts of machine learning. Sometimes sequels are better like Terminator 2 or Wrath of Kahn, but you can’t enjoy them unless you’ve see the first movie. Go read that post and come back. I’ll wait… source: There are many...
Having the most accurate and useful machine learning is not about having the best algorithms or the biggest data set. That’s so 2017! Artificial intelligence and machine learning are fantastic new tools, and I’ve personally seen them used to solve a myriad of use cases and generate a lot of productivity for companies big and small....
As someone who has spent a lot of time working with media companies implementing machine learning, I get asked a lot about the ability to detect smoking in video. It’s a big issue for distributing media content to other countries, but it also demands that we ask some tough questions about the current state of...
In January of 2018, I helped found a machine learning startup with 2 other people. 9 months later I sold it for $5 million. What was our secret? We put developers first. In this post, I intend to share with you how putting developers first can help your tech project/startup/company/enterprise really take off. Our goal with...
At Machine Box, we’ve always been about empowering you to build amazing things with simple machine learning tools. One important aspect of this approach is ownership. When you use Machine Box, you get complete control of all of your data, and nowhere is this more important than in surveillance and face recognition. Back in May...
We started Machine Box because we wanted to open the potential of machine learning to developers of all skill levels, and to teams who don’t have exuberant budgets or armies of people to throw at a problem. Machina is sporting Veritone colours to celebrate the coming together of the two companies. Our customers have built...
I admit, we’ve made it almost too easy to deploy a state-of-the-art face recognition machine learning model. So easy in fact, the only thing you need to know to try it for yourself is how to copy and paste commands into Terminal (and how to open a web browser). It’s great to make things so simple, but...
Veritone’s aiWARE has now expanded its e-discovery capabilities by supporting the SaaS version of the Relativity e-discovery platform, RelativityOne. This new integration, which is in addition to the previously supported integration between Veritone aiWARE and Relativity’s on-premise version, enables evidentiary or regulatory audio and video to be interrogated in the cloud for actionable intelligence. Clients...
Artificial intelligence (AI) can be hard to define. With the technology signifying different things to various people in diverse roles and industries, it can be even harder to describe AI’s benefits. This fuzzy definition is a problem, given that AI can provide tangible and immediate benefits to enterprise operations. AI creates more efficient workflows, allowing...