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Building a private, local photo search app using machine learning

Building Private, Local Photo Search App Using ML

This is it. This is the best DAM thing I’ve ever done. I don’t normally like to brag but I’m so freak’n proud of myself for this one that I feel like I need to share it. They said it wasn’t possible (no one actually said that), they said it couldn’t be done (lots of...

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Building an engine with the Veritone Engine Toolkit

Veritone’s aiWARE platform lets customers run AI solutions at a very large scale, and it does it by spinning up as many instances of the cognitive engines required for a given use case to meet the demand and handle the load. When they’re done, they shut down to free resources. Engine developers don’t need to...

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Here’s Johnny! A Conversation With Carson Entertainment Group About Licensing Through Digital Media Hub

Carson Entertainment Group (CEG), the television licensing company established by Johnny Carson in 1981 to control the rights to “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” recently launched a Digital Media Hub to archive and license clips from the show’s 30-year history. The entire Carson Library of television has been painstakingly cataloged, transcribed, and synced to timecodes to display in an online, searchable platform. All episodes recorded from 1962 through 1992 are available for licensing through CEG. We talked with CEG’s Jeff Sotzing (president) and Jonathan Sotzing (sales and marketing) about how Digital Media Hub will bring the company’s licensing operation into the here and now. Robin Melhuish, Veritone’s Director of Customer Solutions, worked closely with CEG on the project and joined us for the conversation.

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